At FRISSON MAISON, our mission is to intertwine environmental consciousness with the rich tapestry of French heritage, by sourcing exquisite hand-embroidered vintage linens with their delicate and intricate handmade embroidery, hemstitching, and jour échelle, which are lovingly brought back with us from our travels. We also also bring to you, our own locally manufactured products with this very same ethos in mind. Each piece is hand selected to bring joy to your home through its sustaining beauty and timeless quality.

We are more than a brand, we are a movement rooted in the principles of reuse, resalvage and mindful living. By honoring old world techniques, we invite a new generation to appreciate the beauty of heritage crafts 'personship'. FRISSON is not just a word; it's a sensation - a moment of awe and connection to the inherent beauty of life. Through our products, we engage the senses, inviting you to slow down, savor the present moment, and preserve a piece of cherished history.

Join us in celebrating the art of conscious living and let FRISSON awaken your senses to the wonders of the world, both past and present.

“There’s a certain ‘je ne sais quoi’ about the French sensibilities and ways of living. After my first trip to France in my early twenties, it was very evident that this place would play an important role in my life. From textiles to calligraphy, to music, sculpting or painting, I was fascinated by the precision, talent and the unique ability the artists and artisans had in expressing themselves through imagination and creativity.

Traveling, while collecting vintage treasures and memories has become a passion of mine, which I knew one day I had to share.”

Frisson aims to bring the French heritage to your home. It is about the sensation when experiencing something beautiful. It is about the mindful reverence of nature and our world, the appreciations of textures, textiles, a carved piece of wood, the fragrances, the incorporating of quality ingredients in the beautiful composition of a meal, the harmony in music and the sound of a perfect chord.

We aim to turn the every day life into an elevated experience, taking the time to pause and soak in the beauty that surrounds us.